Blogger Widgets

Variety of Mouse Pointers with More Attractive Interfaces

Hi bloggy readers,

Replacing the interface of mouse pointers has been discussed in my recent post - Customizing the Mouse Pointer Hand Interface in Certain Column? -. In that article, i only showed you how to modify the appearance of mouse pointers and replace it with a crosshair mode. In fact, there are tons of other customizations that we can add to the mouse pointers, such as wait mode, move mode, and other modes that i didn't mention (or i forgot to mention) in my previous post. That's why, this can be the best time to continue that article. Okay, if you want to know how to modify the interface of mouse pointers with variety styles of pointers hand, here i'll show you.

1. Log in to Blogger account
Go to and sign in to your account.

2. Go to Edit HTML
After landing to the Dashboard, now press Layout/Design > Edit HTML.

3. Customize the Mouse Pointer of the Post Title
Okay, in this article, i will only show you how to replace the interface of mouse cursor on the post title area. Now find the CSS styling that controls the post title (Ctrl + F).

.post h3 {

If you cannot find the CSS styling .post h3 in your blog template, you can also find the CSS below:

.post h2 {

4. Add a new property in CSS styling
After locating the CSS class .post h3 or .post h2 in your template, now add a new property "cursor" inside the CSS styling. Look at the example below:

.post h3 {
margin:.25em 0 0;
padding:0 0 4px;

5. Customize the Mouse Cursor interface
Okay, as i mentioned earlier in this post, i want to give you all another options of mouse pointers that can be picked for your mouse pointers. Here they are.

Property Values
cursor nw-resize

6. Paste the value to the property for mouse pointers
Now pick one of those values above, and then put your chosen value to the property "cursor". For example, if you want to use a value "wait", now put that value after the property "cursor".

.post h3 {
margin:.25em 0 0;
padding:0 0 4px;

7. Save the Template
Now save the changes by pressing the button Save template. As you can see in your blog, every time your mouse pointers move to the post title area, it will appear as a wait mode.

How to customize the interface of mouse pointers on other column?

Anyway, if you want to customize the interface of mouse pointers on other element/column, you can simply find the exact CSS style that controls that element/column, and then, add a new property "cursor" inside the CSS style. For example, if you want to customize the interface of mouse pointers on the sidebar title, you can simply find the CSS class .sidebar h3 or .sidebar h2, and then, add a new property "cursor" inside that CSS style. Isn't that simple?

How to Add Bookmarking Sites Widget Below the Post?

Hi bloggy readers,
For those of you bloggers who love spreading out your own written articles to the world, can now feel superior because what i am about to deliver to you in this article might blow you away, or at least, it can open wide your mind regarding how many bookmarking sites you've known so far. Yeah, that's definitely true. For some bloggers, the most utilized bookmarking sites they regularly used are coming from the recommendations of other bloggers around the blogosphere. Well, for your information, if you can dig little bit deeper around the internet, there are bunch of other useful bookmarking sites beside Digg,, or Stumble Upon that their existences can't be ignored, especially for bloggers. Now, look at this cool bookmarking sites widget below.

social bookmarking sites list

As you can see, in that widget, there are lots of buttons such as BuyMe, Reddit, Simpy, Ask, Facebook, Slashdot, Backflip, Spurl, and many more that of course, will help improve your blog growth in the future. Eager to stack this bookmarking sites widget on your blog? Read the rest to find out more..

1. Create a bookmarking sites widget on WidgetBox
WidgetBox is one of the best widget providers around the internet. What they provide for bloggers are varied and can be the best landing base for those of you who love sophisticated widgets. Now go to the Widgetbox Shortlist page in order to get the generated script code for the bookmarking sites widget.

2. Enter your URL address
In the WidgetBox Shortlist page, you will be automatically provided with the configuration of the bookmarking sites widget, that can be previewed directly from the page. On the left position of the page, you will see a customization of your own widget, in this part, you will need to adjust the bookmarking sites widget by using your own blog preferences, not mine, in order to get the generated code from the widget itself.

Now in the "ShoutHome" and "URL to bookmark", enter your own blog address,(e.g., And then, in the "Title to Bookmark", put the title of your blog, say, Gaming Blog, Financial Blog, etc.

 the configuration of social bookmarking sites list

3. Press Get Widget
After finished editing the configuration of the bookmarking sites widget, now it's time to get the generated code from WidgetBox Shortlist widget. By pressing Get Widget, Widgetbox will automatically process your request and prompt you with the script code. After that, press copy and keep it to Notepad, later will be used again for the next step.

4. Log in to Blogger account
As usual as always, now head on first to and sign in to your account.

5. Go to Edit HTML
In the Dashboard, now press Layout/Design > Edit HTML.

6. Expand the widget Templates
Now, in order to place the Shortlist widget on the bottom position of article page/blog post, we must firstly expand the widget of our blog template. At the top of HTML box, now give a check mark to the small box called "Expand Widget Templates".

7. Find the Code
As i said on the step number 6 above, i am gonna show you how to place the widget on the bottom position of blog post on article page, therefore, we need to firstly locate the exact location of the bottom post area. Now find the code below (Ctrl + F).

Anyway, i am currently using a Minima template for a testing blog, so if you are using other template, my best suggestion for you is to find the footer part of the post in your blog template. The code that controls this part might have similar code with the one from Minima template.

<div class='post-footer'>

8. Paste the Script
Okay, after locating the code section on number 7 above, now paste the script code of widget before the code <div class='post-footer'>.

9. Save the change
Okay, now that new widget is ready to be shown publicly on your blog. By pressing the Save Template button, now you can save the current changes in your blog template.

social bookmarking sites list

As you can see in your blog, on the bottom position of each post, you will see bunch of bookmarking sites buttons that hopefully can really help increase the popularity of your blog around the blogosphere in the future.

Pagebreak Mode Added to RSS Feed Subscription on Blogger

Hi bloggy readers,

According to Blogger Buzz official blog, recently, the feed feature on our Blogger blog has been added with a new feature, a Pagebreak mode. For some of you who still don't understand about what pagebreak / jump break really is, here i'll give you a hint, Read More. Yeah, pagebreak is a feature that will cut your article (depends on where the pagebreak is set) and show only half of your article in the homepage, and stack a link called "Read More" on the bottom position in order to read the full version.

By using a pagebreak on every recent article you've just made, can really improve the number of pageviews of your blog. Well, that's because if visitors visit the homepage of your blog and read the recent posts of your blog, they will feel more encouraged by the words "Read More" to read the full version of your articles.

Anyway, as i said earlier, Blogger Buzz has recently added a pagebreak feature on the feed subscription feature of our blog. Usually, in the Setting - Site Feed page, you are given an authority to choose whether to give your subscribers a full version of your recent article, or a short version.

Full option will deliver your subscribers a full article that contains everything in the post, including HTML and images. While the Short option, will only give your feed readers a cut version of your article, without any HTML and images, just text. Now, with a new pagebreak feature added to Blogger feature, your subscribers will not only get the text of your blog article, but they will also get an extra images and HTML, which is similar with the pagebreak version on your blog homepage.

page break option on Blogger subscription feed

If you want to start using this cool pagebreak feature, you can go right away to your Dashboard account - Setting - Site Feed. And then, in the Blog Feeds options, pick Until Jump Break. From now on, your Feed readers will get the half version of your recent articles just like they see in your blog homepage.


Starting a Blog - Blogging Basics for the Beginner Blogger

Starting a Blog teaches the beginner blogger or anyone who needs a Blogging 101 refresher course how to decide if blogging is right for them as well as how to choose a domain, host and blogging software. You'll also find step-by-step tutorials to help you get started as a successful blogger.

Follow this step-by-step tutorial to learn how to start a free blog in Blogger.

Step 1: Sign Up to Create a Blog at

Visit the home page and select the "Create Your Blog Now" button to begin the process to start your new blog.

Step 2: Create a Google Account

If you don't already have a Google account, you'll need to create one by completing the form on this page.

Step 3: Sign In with Your Google Account

If you already have a Google account, you can bypass the "Create Google Account" step and simply sign in with your existing Google account username and password.

Step 4: Name Your New Blog

Enter the blog name and corresponding domain name (to precede '') in the spaces provided.

Step 5: Choose a Template

Select a standard template for your new blog.

Step 6: Congratulations - Your New Blog is Active!

Your blog is now live and ready for you to start writing content.

Step 7: Write Your First Post

That's all there is to it! You're now ready to write your first blog post in your new blog and join the blogosphere.


Popular Posts Plugin as a Great Addition on Blogger Machine

Hi bloggy readers,
One of many ways to drive visitor's attention to visit some of our best articles in our blog, is by showing them about the popularity of those articles with popular posts plugin. As many of you know, the popularity of blog articles can be shown either by the number of comments we received from the visitors, or by the total number of visits we got on our blog articles. Apparently, since we don't know how exactly to show to the visitors regarding the exact number of visits from our article, then there is no other benchmark we can use in this case, except on the total number of comments we received in each post. But, when it comes to Blogger Team, that case can be an exception. With their advanced method in updating or upgrading their own machine, now the popular posts plugin can really use the total number of visits as the popularity benchmark.

Popular posts plugin on Blogger, which officially developed by Blogger Team, has become one of many "must have" widgets for those of you who want to show off, or maybe just to lead visitors to visit some of your articles that are considered as the best articles in your blog, either by yourself or blog visitors. By stacking this popular posts plugin can also help improve the number of pageviews on your blog. So, i strongly suggest you to begin adding this popular posts plugin to your blog.

1. Enter to your Blogger account
As usual, now head on to and sign in to your account.

2. Go to Page Element
After landing to the Dashboard, now pick one of your blogs you want to add with the Popular Post widget, and then press the Layout/Design button.

3. Add a Gadget
Since we all know that popular posts plugin has been officially added by Blogger Team, then we don't need to find the script code of popular posts plugin on other blogs. In the Page Element, now pick one area in your blog layout, and then press the link called Add a Gadget. On top of the widget options, you will see the widget popular posts plugin has been automatically added as a new addition on Blogger official widget, now pick that option.

4. Configure the popular posts plugin
After pressing the option popular posts plugin, now you will be shown with the configuration section of the widget, now configure the widget in this page. I just found out that popular posts plugin from Blogger also offers you the option to display the thumbnails and also the snippets (summaries) of the related posts (what a cool widget!).

5. Press the Save button
After finished editing the configuration of your popular posts plugin, now press the Save button.

As you can see in your blog, if you've ticked the option thumbnails and the snippets, the popular posts plugin will display you the related image on the article (thumbnails) along with the summaries of the articles. Awesome! 


Customizing the Calendar Widget fro Phydeaux3 with New CSS Styles?

Hi bloggy readers,

In my recent post, i've already shown you about creating a calendar widget on your blog, which the calendar widget was provided by Phydeaux3. For those of you who have installed this cool calendar widget and have it worked on your blog, you might also want to know how exactly to customize the style, especially the theme and colors of the calendar widget.

Luckily, Phydeaux3 has provided the shortcut for you. And what makes me impressed with Phydeaux regarding this widget customization is, how the customization for this widget can be done in very easy and simple method, where you will only need to replace the standard CSS styling with a new one in order to get the different themes and colors. Anyway, in this article, i am gonna show you other customizations you can get for the calendar widget on your blog, which 2 of the new interfaces (Red Maroon and Orange Black) are modified by myself, the other 2 are created by Phydeaux himself.

calendar widget for blog and website

Okay, without to much long introduction, here's i show you how.

1. Log in to Blogger
Now go to and sign in to your account.

2. Go to Edit HTML
In the Dashboard page of your account, now press Layout/Design > Edit HTML.

3. Find the Code
If you have installed the calendar widget on your blog, you should also find the CSS style that controls that calendar widget. Now find the CSS below (Ctrl + F):

/* Calendar
----------------------------------------------- */

/* div that holds calendar */
#blogger_calendar { margin:5px 0 0 0;width:98%;}

/* Table Caption - Holds the Archive Select Menu */
#bcaption {border:1px solid #000;padding:2px;margin:10px 0 0;background:#1F1FFF;}

/* The Archive Select Menu */
#bcaption select {border:0px;background:#1F1FFF;color:#fff;font-weight:bold;}

/* The Heading Section */
table#bcalendar thead {background:#000;}

/* Head Entries */
table#bcalendar thead tr th {width:20px;text-align:center;padding:2px; border:1px solid #000; font-family:Tahoma; font-weight:bold;color:#fff;}

/* The calendar Table */
table#bcalendar {border:1px solid #000;border-top:0; margin:0px 0 0px;width:95%;background:#fff;}

/* The Cells in the Calendar */
table#bcalendar tbody tr td {text-align:center;padding:2px;border:1px solid #000;color:#1F1FFF;}

/* Links in Calendar */
table#bcalendar tbody tr td a {font-weight:bold;color:#000;}

/* First Row Empty Cells */
td.firstCell {}

/* Cells that have a day in them */
td.filledCell {}

/* Cells that are empty, after the first row */
td.emptyCell {}

/* Cells with a Link Entry in them */
td.highlightCell {background:#ddd;border:1px outset #000}

/* Table Footer Navigation */
table#bcNavigation {width:95%;background:#1F1FFF;border:1px solid #000;border-top:0;}
table#bcNavigation a {text-decoration:none;color:#fff;}
td#bcFootPrev {width:10px;}
td#bcFootNext {width:10px;}
ul#calendarUl {margin:5px auto 0!important;}
ul#calendarUl li a{}

4. Replace the CSS styling of calendar widget
Now, in order to replace the default interface of the calendar widget on your blog, you must replace the old CSS styling you've put in your blog template. In this step, i am gonna show you 4 new themes for the calendar widget in the form of CSS styling. After locating the CSS styling on number 3 above, now i want you to block those codes, and then replace it by using one of these new styles below. For example, if you like the calendar widget in your blog to be shown in the Dusty Blue Style, you can simply block the code on number 3, and then replace it by using the CSS styling "Dusty Blue Style" below this picture.

Dusty Blue Style

/* Calendar Dusty Blue Style
----------------------------------------------- */

/* div that holds calendar */
#blogger_calendar { margin:5px 0 0 0;padding:3px;1px solid #000;background:#FFF ; width:100%;}
/* Table Caption - Holds the Archive Select Menu */
#bcaption {border:1px outset #000;background:#CCD9FF;padding:2px;margin:10px 0 0}
/* The Archive Select Menu */
#bcaption select {background:#CCD9FF;color:#fff;font-weight:bold;border:0 solid #CCD9FF;text-align:center;}
/* The Heading Section */
table#bcalendar thead {background:#FFF2CC ;color:#111;}
/* Head Entries */
table#bcalendar thead tr th {width:20px;text-align:center;padding:2px; border:1px inset #000; font-family:Tahoma; font-weight:normal;}
/* The calendar Table */
table#bcalendar {border:1px solid #000;border-top:0; margin:0px 0 0px;width:95%;}
/* The Cells in the Calendar */
table#bcalendar tbody tr td {text-align:center;padding:2px;border:1px outset #000;}
/* Links in Calendar */
table#bcalendar tbody tr td a {font-weight:bold; color:#527DFF;}
/* First Row Empty Cells */
td.firstCell {visibility:visible;}
/* Cells that have a day in them */
td.filledCell {background:#fff;}
/* Cells that are empty, after the first row */
td.emptyCell {visibility:hidden;}
/* Cells with a Link Entry in them */
td.highlightCell {background:#FFF2CC;border:1px outset #000!important}
/* Table Navigation */
table#bcNavigation  {width:95%;background:#FFF2CC;border:1px inset #000;border-top:0;color:#fff;}
table#bcNavigation a {color:#527DFF;text-decoration:none;}
td#bcFootPrev {width:10px;}
td#bcFootNext {width:10px;}
ul#calendarUl {margin:5px auto 0!important;}
ul#calendarUl li a{ color:#527DFF}

Plain White
/* Calendar Plain White
----------------------------------------------- */

/* div that holds calendar */
#blogger_calendar { margin:5px 0 0 0;width:98%;}

/* Table Caption - Holds the Archive Select Menu */
#bcaption {border:1px solid #000;padding:2px;margin:10px 0 0;background:#fff;}

/* The Archive Select Menu */
#bcaption select {border:1px solid #000;}

/* The Heading Section */
table#bcalendar thead {}

/* Head Entries */
table#bcalendar thead tr th {width:20px;text-align:center;padding:2px; border:1px solid #000; font-family:Tahoma; font-weight:normal;color:#000;}

/* The calendar Table */
table#bcalendar {border:1px solid #000;border-top:0; margin:0px 0 0px;width:95%;background:#fff;}

/* The Cells in the Calendar */
table#bcalendar tbody tr td {text-align:center;padding:2px;border:1px solid #000;color:#000;}

/* Links in Calendar */
table#bcalendar tbody tr td a {font-weight:bold;color:#000;}

/* First Row Empty Cells */
td.firstCell {visibility:visible;}

/* Cells that have a day in them */
td.filledCell {}

/* Cells that are empty, after the first row */
td.emptyCell {}

/* Cells with a Link Entry in them */
td.highlightCell {background:#FFFF99;border:1px outset #000}

/* Table Footer Navigation */
table#bcNavigation  {width:95%;background:#fff;border:1px solid #000;border-top:0;}
table#bcNavigation a {text-decoration:none;color:#000;}
td#bcFootPrev {width:10px;}
td#bcFootNext {width:10px;}
ul#calendarUl {margin:5px auto 0!important;}
ul#calendarUl li a{}

Red Maroon Style
/* Calendar Red Maroon Style
----------------------------------------------- */

/* div that holds calendar */
#blogger_calendar { margin:5px 0 0 0;width:98%;}

/* Table Caption - Holds the Archive Select Menu */
#bcaption {border:1px solid #000;padding:2px;margin:10px 0 0;background:#800000;}

/* The Archive Select Menu */
#bcaption select {border:0px;background:#fff;color:#000000;font-weight:bold;}

/* The Heading Section */
table#bcalendar thead {background:#000;}

/* Head Entries */
table#bcalendar thead tr th {width:20px;text-align:center;padding:2px; border:1px solid #000; font-family:Tahoma; font-weight:bold;color:#fff;}

/* The calendar Table */
table#bcalendar {border:1px solid #000;border-top:0; margin:0px 0 0px;width:95%;background:#fff;}

/* The Cells in the Calendar */
table#bcalendar tbody tr td {text-align:center;padding:2px;border:1px solid #fff;color:#000000;}

/* Links in Calendar */
table#bcalendar tbody tr td a {font-weight:bold;color:#fff;}

/* First Row Empty Cells */
td.firstCell {}

/* Cells that have a day in them */
td.filledCell {}

/* Cells that are empty, after the first row */
td.emptyCell {}

/* Cells with a Link Entry in them */
td.highlightCell {background:#800000;border:1px outset #000}

/* Table Footer Navigation */
table#bcNavigation {width:95%;background:#fff;border:1px solid #000;border-top:0;}
table#bcNavigation a {text-decoration:none;color:#000000;}
td#bcFootPrev {width:10px;}
td#bcFootNext {width:10px;}
ul#calendarUl {margin:5px auto 0!important;}
ul#calendarUl li a{}

Orange Black Style
/* Calendar Orange Black Style
----------------------------------------------- */

/* div that holds calendar */
#blogger_calendar { margin:5px 0 0 0;width:98%;}

/* Table Caption - Holds the Archive Select Menu */
#bcaption {border:1px solid #000;padding:2px;margin:10px 0 0;background:#FF8C00;}

/* The Archive Select Menu */
#bcaption select {border:0px;background:#fff;color:#000000;font-weight:bold;}

/* The Heading Section */
table#bcalendar thead {background:#000;}

/* Head Entries */
table#bcalendar thead tr th {width:20px;text-align:center;padding:2px; border:1px solid #000; font-family:Tahoma; font-weight:bold;color:#fff;}

/* The calendar Table */
table#bcalendar {border:1px solid #000;border-top:0; margin:0px 0 0px;width:95%;background:#fff;}

/* The Cells in the Calendar */
table#bcalendar tbody tr td {text-align:center;padding:2px;border:1px solid #fff;color:#000000;}

/* Links in Calendar */
table#bcalendar tbody tr td a {font-weight:bold;color:#fff;}

/* First Row Empty Cells */
td.firstCell {}

/* Cells that have a day in them */
td.filledCell {}

/* Cells that are empty, after the first row */
td.emptyCell {}

/* Cells with a Link Entry in them */
td.highlightCell {background:#FF8C00;border:1px outset #000}

/* Table Footer Navigation */
table#bcNavigation {width:95%;background:#fff;border:1px solid #000;border-top:0;}
table#bcNavigation a {text-decoration:none;color:#000000;}
td#bcFootPrev {width:10px;}
td#bcFootNext {width:10px;}
ul#calendarUl {margin:5px auto 0!important;}
ul#calendarUl li a{}

5. Save the TemplateOkay, after replacing the default CSS styling with one of those styles above, now by pressing the Save Template button, you can save the current changes you've just made in your blog template.

As you can see in your blog, it the new CSS styling works on the calendar widget, you will see that the new interface has been successfully installed into the widget.

New Webstat Addition on Blogger Called Blog's Statistic

Hi bloggy readers,

Sitemeter and Google Analytics are among the best webstat that have been utilized by many bloggers to check blog traffic every single day. As many of you know, Sitemeter offers bloggers a simple webstat without having to learn how to use it in the advanced level. Otherwise, what Google Analytics provides to bloggers can be considered as superior compared to other similar webstat services you can find around the internet. Google Analytics brings such a great webstat in more complicated way and as you can see on your Google Analytics account, you will not only get the total number of visits on your blog, but also, you can be guided to improve every aspect of your blog with advanced traffic analyzer.

blogspot statistic

Anyway, besides those two webstat i've already showed you before, you might not realize that recently, Blogger Team has developed one promising feature that Blogger machine always lacked in bringing this fundamental element in the past, and that is a Blog's webstat feature. Blog's webstat from Blogger is designed in the user friendly interface in order to provide bloggers about traffic data in simpler way.

Actually, the addition of this Blog's webstat gadget has been done long time ago, so you might find this article is so outdated. But, if you still new about this information, you are lucky then.

Anyway, in Blog's webstat feature, you will get all the important information regarding the traffic of your blog. Such as Traffic Source, Audience, and Post/Article Statistic. Moreover, another cool feature has also been added to Blog's webstat, and that is the total pageviews of our blog. This Pageviews feature will show you how many visits of your blog that have been totally calculated since this Blog's webstat is rolled out on Blogger, not from the first day your blog was created.

blogspot statistic

Recently, Blogger Team has also made an update regarding this Blog webstat feature. According to the Blogger in Draft (another part from Blogger regular site that has a function to "experiment" their newest features before being added to the regular Blogger account/Dashboard page) official blog, Blog's webstat has been updated with a new option that will allow you to choose the time window of your pageview counts (All Time, Last 30 Days, Last 7 Days) so you will be able to check traffic based on the date/time.

You better check this webstat feature out to get further and complete information. If you still don't see this Blog's webstat on your Blogger machine or widget options on Page Element, you can start jumping to your own Blogger in Draft page and enable this feature to your regular Dashboard page. 


Flickr Badge Helps You Show off Beautiful Scenery Pictures on Your Blog

Hi bloggy readers,

Displaying the collection of our beautiful scenery pictures to the visitors through our blog can be done in elegant way by adding a slideshow widget inside our blog. Flickr badge plugin is one of the great slide show widget that can show off our recent beautiful scenery pictures from our Flickr account directly to the visitors of our blog in more sophisticated way than using other slide show widget.

Even though Flickr badge is a flash-based widget, it doesn't really affect and burden the page loading of our blog. So, if you want to start showing off your beautiful scenery pictures to the visitors, Flickr badge can be your answer.

1. Create your own Flickr account
In order to be able to get the Flickr badge, you must firstly create your own account on website as the first procedure.

2. Get the Flickr badge
After finished signing up to the website, now it's time to create your own Flickr badge. Now go to the Flickr badge page.

3. Choose your Flickr badge
In the Flickr badge page, you will be directly asked to choose what kind of badge you want to embed on your blog. In this page, you will only be given 2 choices, HTML-based Flickr badge and Flash Flickr Badge. I personally like the second option, the flash one, because it looks more elegant and cool in our blog. But, it's up to you. Okay, if you have made up your mind, now press the Next:Choose Content.

4. Choose what photos you want to display on Flickr badge
In the next step, you will be given the choices whether to display your own beautiful scenery pictures and videos, or to display other people's photos on your Flickr badge. If you haven't uploaded your own beautiful scenery pictures to your Flickr account, you can opt to second option, which is to display other people's photos. After that, press Next:Colors.

5. Customize the interface of your badge
On the next step, you will be given a full authority to customize the interface of the Flickr widget. In this page, you can pick the color of the widget, add a background or remove the existing border. Now press Next:Preview and Get Code.

6. Get the script code
In the new page, you will be shown that your Flickr badge has been successfully created. To begin showing off your beautiful scenery pictures with this widget, now get the script code on the bottom position of the page and press copy.

7. Enter to your Blogger account
Now off to and log in to your account.

8. Go to Page Element
In the Dashboard, now press Layout/Design of your chosen blog, and you will be brought to the Page Element section.

9. Press Add a Gadget
In the Page Element, now pick any area in your blog layout, and then press Add a Gadget > HTML/Javascript as a platform.

10. Paste the Script code and press Save
In the HTML box, now paste the script you've got and then press the save button.

Now let stack all of the great and beautiful scenery pictures with you in it and let visitors know that you have had the best holiday ever.

Check Google Pagerank and Alexa with this Awesome PR Checker for Firefox Add-on

Hi bloggy readers,
As many of you know, increasing blog traffic can be so difficult if we don't have the ability to maintain our blogging activity in more consistent way every single day. Anyway, to be able to check Alexa ranking and Google Pagerank, we can easily do it by adding the Alexa widget and also Google PR checker on our blog. So, if you haven't installed those 2 widgets on your blog, you can search the articles in my blog that discussed about those widgets.

How to Check Pagerank and Alexa Ranking with PR Checker and Alexa Widget add-on from Mozilla Firefox

Otherwise, if you don't like the idea that your visitors or readers to know everything about your Alexa and Google rank, a great Firefox add-on called "SEO Status Pagerank and Alexa Toolbar" can be a great PR Checker.

1. Get the Add-on
Now go to this page

2. Press Install Now
Firefox will prompt you with a new window of Software installation. Now press Install now and let the program do the job for you.

3. Restart the Firefox
After the installation process is finished, now Firefox will ask you to restart the program in order to enable the new add-ons for you browser. Now restart the Firefox.

As you can see on your Firefox browser, if the PR Checker add-on is successfully installed and enabled, you will see this PR Checker add-on on the bottom position of your browser.

So to summarize what i am trying to say in this article, it is vital to know all about Alexa rank and Google Pagerank by adding this PR Checker add-on to your blog. Why? That's obviously because by adding SEO Status PR Checker and Alexa Toolbar add-on on your Firefox, you are not only getting the fresh information regarding the Alexa rank and Google Pagerank of certain blogs, but also, it can give you such a boost motivation and encourage you a lot to improve your own Alexa rank and Google Pagerank in the future.

Blogger Template Design New Releases: Change Font on Blogger and Blog Backgrounds

Hi bloggy readers,
Redesigning our blog theme can no longer be a one hell of a job when Blogger has added a new promising feature ever made on its machine, Blogger Template Design. I've already discussed about this new addition on my older post - How to Get Blogger Template Design for your blog? -, so you may not find this article so outdated. Recently, Blogger Template Design has been updated with new features that obviously can make your life much easier and simpler to redesign the interface of your blog. And those are the additions of Web Fonts and Blog's Background. Okay, firstly, i will show you about the first one, Web Fonts.

blogger templates design web fonts

As many of you know, if you look at the Blogger Template Design on your Blogger account, the choices of fonts to apply for your blog are limited with only few standard fonts, such as Arial, Calibri, Times New Roman, Verdana, Courier, Helvetica, and Trebuchet. Well, from now on, you don't need to worry about that anymore, because what Blogger Team has recently developed will open wide your mind, i mean the choices of web fonts in Blogger Template Design that you can apply to your designed template of your blog.

In fact, there are now 40 new fonts for you to choose from and more fonts coming up in the future. If you would like to give it a try, you can head on to the Blogger Template Design page on your Blogger account, and then, in the Advanced tab, select the type of text you’d like to change (Post Title, Page Text, etc.) and after that, pick your favorite font to use, from Reenie Beanie or Neucha (Cyrillic) or GFS Didot (Greek) or even Hanuman (Khmer). So you better check this new feature out!
blogger templates design blog's background
Secondly, now let's talk about the other new addition in Blogger Template Design, Blog's Background. Usually, when designing our blog template through that feature, you will be automatically provided with the default option to pick what background image to use for your template. But apparently, since the background images they provided to us seem not satisfying for our desire, we don't have other choice but to pick one of them. I know that we can also modify the background image of our blog via Edit HTML section of our blog, but not many people really know and understand how to work with CSS styling and HTML codes of their templates.

 blogger templates design blog's background
Luckily, Blogger Team are well aware of their customers satisfaction. Recently, what they brought on Blogger Template Design to your design desk will provide much easier shortcut for your journey of design. Now you will be able to upload your own image directly to the body of your template in the simple way. By heading to the Design - Template Designer - Background, and then click on Background Image, you’ll notice that a new feature “Upload image” option, has been added to Blogger Template Design.

So you better check those cool new features out by yourself. 

How to Create a Drawing Collection in Flash Slideshow Builder?

Hi bloggy readers,
For those of you bloggers who love anything about art, especially paintings, and currently are building blog related to art or something like that, you can now try this cool flash slideshow builder gadget called Daily Painters Slideshow. By the sound of it, you might think this flash slideshow builder can be utilized to draw a painting or simply to create a sketch, well, if you thought about that, you were definitely wrong.

drawing collection plugin on blogger

Daily Painters is a flash slideshow builder that can display a slide show of painting collections from the painters across the world right in your blog sidebar. By adding this flash slideshow builder, can also inform you regarding the information to buy that exact paintings. Interested with this widget? Just read on the rest to find out more.

1. Go to DailyPainters website
First things first, now off to DailyPainters website to get the flash slideshow builder of drawing collection.

2. Get the widget
After landing to DailyPainters website, now scroll down little bit, and look for the option "Blog/Website Widgets", and then, press the link "Click here to get the widget" to begin installing the flash slideshow builder.

3. Press Get Instruction
In the new page, you will be asked to choose regarding the interface of the flash slideshow builder, well actually, there are only 2 choices in this page, black and white themed widget. And then, choose your blog platform, Blogger, Wordpress, etc. Finished picking out the option, now press "Get Instruction".

4. Add the widget into your blog
After pressing the button "Get Instruction", you will be shown with the instruction to install the flash slideshow builder in 2 methods. First, you can directly add a new flash slideshow builder into your blog by pressing the button "Add to Blogger" (if you chose Blogger platform). By doing this, you will be directed to and landed to the Page Element section.

get the drawing collection widget for your blog

And for the second method, you can simply the code snippet of the flash slideshow builder, and then paste it to your blog (HTMLDashboard - Layout/Design - Edit HTML). I prefer the first option, which can save a lot of time.

5. Save the widget

To end this article, now save the widget, and as you can see in your blog, if the DailyPainters widget is correctly installed, you will see a flash slideshow builder showing you collection of paintings, one at a time.

Okay, that's it for now. Another cool gadget coming up, so stick around in this blog.


Mini Web Browser Widget Added to your Blog

Hi bloggy readers,
Have you ever imagined that inside your blog, you can browse to another mini web browser directly from your blog? Maybe some of you might be baffled to hear with what i am saying right now. How come we can browse to another blog/website, when we are currently browsing inside our blog? Well, if you think i'm crazy with that idea, you have to blame Bitty Browser for providing this awesome mini web browser widget.

mini web browser plugin on blogger
With Bitty Browser, you can now have a full control of mini web browser to navigate to another website, directly from your blog.

Bitty Browser also provides other great features of mini web browser that can improve the sophistication of your blog interface even better this time. You can check Technorati website,, Flickr, or even Google in much simpler and smaller version on your blog. Interested with this mini web browser widget? Let's get straight to the article.

1. Go to Widgetbox.Com website
In order to install the Bitty Browser mini web browser widget in your blog, you must firstly go to the which also facilitates this mini web browser widget for you.

2. Configure the widget
When landing to the Bitty Browser widget page, now you can begin configuring the mini web browser widget that suits to your preferences. In this part, you can set the title bar, the search bar, and last but not least, the default page you really want to use for this mini web browser widget (Google page, Technorati, Flickr,, and many more).

3. Get the widget code of mini web browser
After finished customizing the look for the mini web browser widget, now it's time to get the generated widget code. Now press the button Get Widget on the bottom position of the configuration of mini web browser. By doing so, you will be prompted with a new small window that generates you the code snippet of the widget.

4. Copy the widget code
As you can see in that small widget window, there is a box contains a script code for the mini web browser widget. To copy the whole script code, you can simply press the button Copy. Without your consciousness, the whole script code has been copied to the clipboard.

5. Enter to Blogger account
To install this widget, now head on to and sign in to your account.

6. Go to Page Element
In the Dashboard, now press the button Layout/Design on a blog you want to add with this Bitty Browser widget, you will be landed to Page Element section.

7. Paste the script code
In the Page Element, now pick any area in your blog layout for the Bitty mini web browser widget, and then press Add a Gadget > HTML/Javascript" as a platform for the mini web browser widget. In the prompted window, now paste the script code the HTML box, and then, save the widget by pressing the Save button.

As you can see in your blog, if the script code works perfectly, a new mini web browser will be shown in the sidebar of your blog.

Okay, that's it for now. See you at my next article. 

Show Off Your Landscape Photography with Panoramio Widget

Hi bloggy readers,
The best way to show off your landscape photography of places in your far-far away journey, is by displaying those photos with a great widget called Panoramio Widgets. Recently, Panorama Team has developed this new great addition for those of you bloggers who currently are building a travel or holiday related blogs. This widget is no doubt will increase the sophistication of your blog interface even better, so i am sure that you may find this widget can be so helpful for all of you who like sliding show landscape photography on your blog.

Actually, the steps to stack this landscape photography widget on your blog are quite simple, you can simply put the iframe script code provided by Panoramio Team in the new gadget via Page Element mode. Interested to install this landscape photography gadget? Just read the post.

1. Log in to your Blogger Account
Go to and log in to your Blogger account.

2. Go to Page Element
In the Dashboard, now press Layout/Design of your chosen blog. You will be automatically directed to the Page Element section of your blog.

3. Add a Gadget
After landing to the Page Element, now find a great spot for the Panoramio Widget in your blog layout, and then press Add a Gadget > HTML/Javascript.

4. Paste the Widget code
Now copy the iframe code below with your mouse cursor, and paste it in the HTML widget box.
<iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="450" height="400" scrolling="no" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"> </iframe>

5. Adjust the Widget size
Okay, i assume that right now, the sidebar area in your blog has already been set with a certain size, say, 220px. But apparently, the Panoramio landscape photography gadget you are about to install has currently been set in 450px width. That's why, now we may need to adjust the value that controls the width size of the widget. Now, i want you to set a new size to the landscape photography widget by changing the value 450 with 220 (if your blog sidebar has a current width size 220px). Look at the red code below:
<iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="450" height="400" scrolling="no" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"> </iframe>

6. Save the widget
Now, save the landscape photography widget by pressing the Save button.

As you can see on your blog, this new Panoramio landscape photography widget has been added on your blog sidebar with a fixed width size. Anyway, if you are keen to know how to customize this landscape photography widget, you can head on to Panoramio Widget API documentations to get further detail information. Enjoy!

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