Hi there, I'm Shaik Rehana Sultana.
I work from home on this website. I always dream of working from home spending more time with my family, doing all the things I love. Who doesn't?
This story tells you how I'm turning my dream into a reality.
In February 2008, my friend Amy forwarded me an article about the possibility of learning to build profitable websites. I was looking for a way to achieve what I call "funded freedom". At that stage, I had just returned to full-time work after 12 years working part-time or not at all. Unemployment gave me lots of time, but not the finances to do the things I wanted. Employment gave me the money, but not the time to do my own thing.
Well, as keen as I was to achieve "funded freedom", I had tried numerous ways to achieve it, and all had been hugely disappointing, so I spent some time researching Site Build It! and the company behind it, Site-sell. The case studies helped me decide to give it a go and I am so glad that I took one more chance because the income I receive grows every month.
This story tells you how I'm turning my dream into a reality.
In February 2008, my friend Amy forwarded me an article about the possibility of learning to build profitable websites. I was looking for a way to achieve what I call "funded freedom". At that stage, I had just returned to full-time work after 12 years working part-time or not at all. Unemployment gave me lots of time, but not the finances to do the things I wanted. Employment gave me the money, but not the time to do my own thing.
Well, as keen as I was to achieve "funded freedom", I had tried numerous ways to achieve it, and all had been hugely disappointing, so I spent some time researching Site Build It! and the company behind it, Site-sell. The case studies helped me decide to give it a go and I am so glad that I took one more chance because the income I receive grows every month.
I'm really getting close to my goal!! Site Build It! taught me everything to be able to create profitable websites and gave me all the tools, easy to use. I could not believe their generosity. It is the best value I have ever gotten anywhere. I didn't know how to build a website until I joined.
I have now learned how to build the website you see here, AND get nearly 30,000 visitors each month AND make money, having had no prior knowledge. I've gone on to build other websites too that earn me money every day!
Basically anyone with some passion and interest in a subject can be taught to build their own profitable Internet business.
I love how this works SO much! I wake up each morning and check how much I've earned overnight. Not only that, my sites earn me money while I'm at the beach or taking my daughter to her sporting commitments. Subscribing to Site Build It! was a turning point in my life.
Basically anyone with some passion and interest in a subject can be taught to build their own profitable Internet business.
I love how this works SO much! I wake up each morning and check how much I've earned overnight. Not only that, my sites earn me money while I'm at the beach or taking my daughter to her sporting commitments. Subscribing to Site Build It! was a turning point in my life.
If I can do it....
...so can you. Building a profitable website involves designing an attractive, friendly site full of great content that visitors love, and one that attracts lots of free traffic from key search engines like Google and Yahoo. Site Build It! teaches you how to do it all through the use of straightforward video tutorials and provides all the tools and support you'll need along the way. I'm serious about this - you will be blown away...it's like someone holding your hand every step of the way.
Like me, you know a lot about something. What are you passionate about? What are your hobbies and interests? What do people come to you for advice about? Look at your bookshelves...what topics are there? We've all got topics we know a lot about or are passionate about. That's what you bring to the table, and Site Build It! brings the rest.
Like me, you know a lot about something. What are you passionate about? What are your hobbies and interests? What do people come to you for advice about? Look at your bookshelves...what topics are there? We've all got topics we know a lot about or are passionate about. That's what you bring to the table, and Site Build It! brings the rest.
Now's the time to stop dreaming and start doing.
Click here and start your own journey towards freeing yourself!