Search engine optimization is a technique to make your website or blog to get higher ranking is search engine. All of you are very familiar with most popular search engines like Google, Yahoo or Bing. Search engine optimization tactic pairs on-site optimization along with off-site optimization. By using these techniques you can make changes to your website, using Meta tags like Meta keywords and Meta description tags, putting you main keywords in title of website, using important keywords in “bold” tag, using keyword as anchor of a link, using keyword as alt or title of an image, these particular things are related to on-site optimization.
Off-site optimization simply speaking building the credibility of your website over the internet on other websites that are related to your niche or you can say they have the relevant content as your website has. Off-site optimization includes link building, backlinks, directory submission, article submission, social bookmarking, Forum posting, Blog commenting and some other tactics.
Search engine rank website mainly on their on-site values like content and keywords design. The significance of backlinks for a website is more important than other; the quality of links in your website is a factor in off-site optimization. A website should have the finest, relative link on its place. After you did all quality linking you will be rewarded, you will get improved keywords ranking and link popularity. Off-site Search Engine Optimization help increase ranking at SERPs.
Meta Tag Generator Tool For Blogger
Meta Description and Meta Keywords are the most popular HTML tags which are still recommended despite many arguments by several expert Search engine Optimizers. The first thing that every blogger must do after creating a log is to optimize his template by submitting it to search engines and by adding important meta tags inside the template. To make your job easy I have created a simple Meta Tag Generator Tool below which will help you create important tags within seconds with no SEO knowledge required at all!
Follow these tips for writing best blog description and for choosing the most relevant keywords for your blog.
Learning SEO On Page and SEO Off Page
Learning SEO On Page and SEO Off Page - In SEO system there’s terms of SEO On Page and SEO OFF Page. Both are two factors you must to learn if you want to succeed in search engine optimization rivalry.
SEO On Page
SEO On Page are search engine optimization techniques performed blog or website in question.
Here some of few SEO On Page applications:
- The use of domain name
- Blog title
- Post title
- Description
- Utilizing of headings (H1, H2, H3, etc)
- Utilizing of bold, italic, underline word, etc
- Internal linking (link to other posts page on blog)
- Accelerating blog access time
- the use of tag alt on every images
- etc.
SEO Off Page
SEO Off Page are search engine optimization techniques form which undertaken outside of the blogs or websites on purposed.Could SEO be done outside of the blogs that are in optimization? Yes it can and should be done.
Some examples of SEO Off Page:
- Back link from other blogs or websites
- submit sitemap to webmaster tools
- ping
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How to add blogger sitemap to Google Webmaster Tool
Every blogger wants to get traffic. This is a dream of every blogger. So how do you get more traffic? There are many factors like Quality Content, Good punctuation, Good grammar, onsite and offsite optimization. The submission of sitemap is main thing to drive traffic to your blog. When I had first added my blog sitemap to Webmaster, the sitemap added to webmaster but not all of my blog has index to webmaster. I have written almost 40 posts that time and it was showing 26 Urls submitted. I was worried and I searched on Google and then I found the answer. Today I am going to share with you how I added my blog sitemap to webmaster tools.
Add your blog to Google Webmaster Tool
First you need to go to Google webmaster tool. If you haven't added your blog to webmaster tool, then click on add a site.
Add your blog to Google Webmaster Tool
First you need to go to Google webmaster tool. If you haven't added your blog to webmaster tool, then click on add a site.
Add sitemap to Webmaster Tool
When your site added to webmaster tool, you need to see at the right sidebar on Google webmaster tool there will be some links. Go to Site Configuration > Sitemap.
Click on submit a sitemap.
When your site added to webmaster tool, you need to see at the right sidebar on Google webmaster tool there will be some links. Go to Site Configuration > Sitemap.
Click on submit a sitemap.
Now, copy the URL given below and paste it to that field. This is a basic sitemap; you need to submit it first. Click on Submit sitemap.
/atom.xml?redirect=false |
Then enter the second sitemap. This is to index the first 100 posts on your blog, which means post number 1 until post number 100.
/atom.xml?redirect=false&start-index=1&max-results=100 |
If you have more than 100 posts on your blog, submit this link as well. This will index post number 101 until post number 200.
/atom.xml?redirect=false&start-index=101&max-results=100 |
If you have more than 200 posts on your blog, submit this link as well. It will index post201 until 300.
/atom.xml?redirect=false&start-index=201&max-results=100 |
If you have written 1000’s of posts, you have to submit sitemap after every 100 posts.
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Blogger/Blogspot SEO (Search Engine Optimization) For Dummies
My experiences to make Blogger-Blogspot Search Engine friendly. Get more traffic by using these simple techniques. A lot of people think that Blogger-Blogspot is owned by Google so they would have an advantage in search results. That's not true at all. If you have a personal blog then SEO (Search Engine Optimization) might not be appealing to you but a professional blog must be search engine friendly.
1- Add a Blog Archive Gadget in Your Sidebar
Linking is the mother of SEO. A highly linked blog will be ranked higher in Google search results. It is not easy to get links from high quality sites but you can do internal linking by linking your posts with each other. The easiest way is to add a Blog Archive gadget in your sidebar. Go to Design then Page Elements tab. Click Add a Gadget link on your sidebar and chose Blog Archive gadget from the list. Don't change any options and save the gadget.

The Blog Archive gadget will remain in your sidebar plus it contains links to all your posts and it will appear on every page of your blog. As a result, every time search engine will crawl any page of your blog, it will also find links of other pages as well because of Blog Archive gadget.
2- Replace Blog Title With Post Title on Post Pages
To understand this, lets create a test post with title This is my test post. The title of my test blog is My Test Blog. After publishing the test post, I opened it and this is how the title of my test post page appears.

As you can see the blog title comes before the post title. So, we need to make sure that, on post pages, the post title must come first and then anything else. Then, it would be easier for search engines to index your post title as the page title. To do that, go to Design then Edit HTML tab and search for this code:
After that, replace it with the following code:
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<title><data:blog.pageName/> - <data:blog.title/></title>
Now, I checked the published test post page again and this is how my page title looked like:

Now, your post title will appear first on search results. This is a very effective technique for Blogspot/Blogger SEO.
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How to submit URL to 4 "monster" search engines
Hello guys , I have lead you how to submit your URL to over 300 search engines including 4"monsters" search engines : Google , Yahoo, MSN and Alexa.

How many visitors do you have a day? You have a nice, informative blog but nobody has that chance to view it. So how can you let every body to your blog and improve your rank, your traffic ?
With 1 simple step here you will see the better result for your blog
What is this website about ? Is it about selling cakes ?Is it a dangerous website containt virus,spyware...? No no of course not !So why do you have to submit your blog to all the search engines?
This problem is very very important for advertise blog(Google Adsense, Adbrite, Bidvertiser...).
With 1 simple step here you will see the better result for your blog
What is this website about ? Is it about selling cakes ?Is it a dangerous website containt virus,spyware...? No no of course not !So why do you have to submit your blog to all the search engines?
This problem is very very important for advertise blog(Google Adsense, Adbrite, Bidvertiser...).
The appearance of your blog at all the search engines can improve your rank in famous services ( Google, Yahoo, Alexa..),increase amount of traffic.This is called SEO.However,the world does not have only these 300 search engines,so you have to find out more search engines and submit to them as much as possible.
However , the famous search engines as Google , Yahoo, Alexa, MSN.
You cannot submit by this way, so go to here to see the instructions.
Is it useful for you ? Please leave a message or put some questions I will answer.
Don't forget to link back to me and introduce my blog to your friends.
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