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Best Cat Books

Believe it or not, my family isn't totally obsessed with cats (we even have a dog), so we don't have lots of cat-themed books; just a few and I'd like to tell you what we like about them. These books have been particularly enjoyable.

chicken soup book"Chicken Soup for the Cat Lover's Soul"
By: Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Marty Becker, Carol Kline and Amy Shojal

Firstly, my youngest daughter and I really enjoyed reading the touching and entertaining stories in Chicken Soup for the Cat Lover's Soul. I read one story at bedtime each night until we'd read them all. One of our favorites was a story about a three-legged cat that befriended a lonely third-grade girl and inspired her to overcome significant difficulties in her life.

"Smitten: A Kitten's Guide to Happiness"
By: Rachael Hale

My family LOVE Rachael Hale's beautiful pet photography. She has a real gift and her books are wonderful. This is a great book to cheer up a sour mood (especially for kids), or to enjoy at any time. Rachael Hale has produced other photography books on cats and dogs and they all feature her alluring style.


Cute Cat Photos


House Cats in Basins




You can help the Animal Rescue Site  

feed abused and neglected animals
by going to their site and clicking on the purple box 'fund food for animals'. This won't cost you anything, but their corporate sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate food to abandoned/neglected animals in exchange for advertising.

Global Cats
is a website emphasising cat rescue and adoption stories.

Bizarre Aquariums - Wall Aquariums and other unique fish tanks.

Kool fish tanks - Specialty aquariums including In-Wall fish tanks.

Wall fish tanks - Custom aquariums that go on or inside your walls.

"Are you owned by a cat?"

Moggies - Home of the Online Cat Guide, animal news, free helpfiles &
programs. Plus lots more for cat lovers everywhere.

See pictures of cute kittens playing at the Sweet Gum Pumpkin Patch.  Kittens even make growing pumpkins more fun!

Home and Family

Need more space for a new baby or home office? Find inexpensive ways to create living areas by using existing spaces. Visit Room Remodel.

Are you living in a home built before the 1970s? You very likely have asbestos products in your home. But don't panic, that does not automatically mean your health is at risk. Find out the facts about asbestos products in your home.


Is a snorer keeping you up at night, or have you been told you have a snoring problem? Learn how to stop snoring by understanding the causes of snoring, health risks and various treatment options.



Photo-Opps...Photograph gifts, cards, and cds
Do you have great photos but don't know what to do with them?
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photos with hundreds of photo project ideas.

Gifts Great magic fun for the beginner!!! Shop in the safe, secure environment of and perusing through the selected favorites of a seasoned professional.

Just Pink - unique gifts for all ages, only in pink.

How to Get Cat Allergy Relief - No More Sneezing, Wheezing or Itching

Allergies to cats are quite common. The allergic reactions can be immediate, or they can begin to show up gradually over time. Often someone has owned a cat for some time, sometimes even years, before the allergic reactions begin to show. Having to give the cat up at that point may be heartbreaking for everyone involved. Including the cat.

Most often the first recommendation from medical doctors is to relinquish the cat. The past 15 years have seen a whole new "breed" of therapy methods based on the bodies energy system. The methods are generally referred to as "Energy Therapy" "Meridian Therapy" or Energy psychology".

The major distinction between these therapies and traditional aids or therapies, is that instead of attempting to clear the allergen out of the air using all sorts of filters, specialized vacuums, heap filters, limiting the exposure to the cat, medication etc, is that the energy therapies work on your own energy system so that it can be in harmony with the allergen.

Pretty much in the same way that Chinese medicine views illness as a disruption of the flow of vital life force in your system. Energy Therapies view an allergy as a substance your energy system is not in harmony with and is trying to repel.
It is the repelling of the allergen that causes the allergic reactions. So, here is how you can view it. You feel OK, and then you are in contact with a cat, or breathe air containing the allergen. This causes your energy system to become disrupted. The flow of energy is now disrupted, causing a horde of symptoms, as in all your allergy symptoms. Sounds almost too simple, yes? A disruption in the flow of energy, and it can cause such severe allergic reactions? Yes it can.

The energy therapies, using either acupuncture needles, or simply your fingers, will, by using special acupuncture points balance the system, and the flow of energy, in regards to the offending substance.

To do that, you first need to cause a disruption by simply thinking about cats, and then while connecting certain acupuncture points known for their affect on the brain, your system becomes in harmony with what used to be seen as an allergen. Once your system is in harmony with the car dander, or other allergen, there are no more reactions. Once the intervention is completed, the effects are most often permanent, requiring no re treatment. The person who used to have cat allergies can now interact with cats feeling perfectly OK.

Having to relinquish your cat because you have developed allergies is a painful decision no one should have to make. Today, with modern cutting edge resources available, that decision may be one you will never have to make.

To find more resources on how you can be permanently free of your Cat Allergies please visit

Cat Art Across Cultures

Artists have created cat art, or at least artistic pieces that include or feature cats, in Asia, Europe and the USA, over the centuries. Throughout history, people have responded to cats in various ways...sometimes idolized, sometimes detested. 

Asian cat art

Oriental artists have regarded the domestic cat highly for centuries. The concept of cat breeds is a Western phenomenon, starting in Britain in the 1800s. Asian artists, however, were influenced by the cats that surrounded them. Japanese artists often portrayed bobtail cats, and tortoiseshell and white cats, which was a common coat pattern there.

The Magic cats of China depicted to the left are magical spirit-cats who stop the rats from eating the precious silk-worms by Mary Evans.

European cat art

Cats started to appear in European art in the 18th century, despite the Christian Church's disapproval and stigmatization of them. European masters such as Leonardo Da Vinci and Pierre-Auguste Renoir featured cats in some of their works.

The watercolor to the left is by


Great Pictures of Cats And Dogs


Sleepy Cat Pictures

Why are sleeping cats so appealing? Why do I feel more than the usual urge to touch and cuddle a sleeping cat? Hardly seems fair...terribly selfish...the poor cat is in its own world, totally relaxed and I can hardly restrain myself from running my fingers across its fur. So darn adorable! And if they're not looking good enough to squish, they're soooo funny, like the cat in the photo above. My Burmese adopts postures like that, bless him. That's why I love cats...they're just a feel-good bundle of delight (sorry to those of you struggling with aggression or spraying problems - there really IS a good reason why you love them).

I hope you enjoy looking at these sleepy cats as much as I did finding them.


Funny Cats in Bags

My cats love getting in bags, pouncing on each other while hiding in bags and occasionally sleeping in bags. Boxes often do the trick too. I suppose any time an object is used by an animal for a purpose different to the one we give it, we are amused. So seeing cats become the contents of bags is entertaining and very cute. No doubt to them it is the equivalent of a cave or a sentry box.

I hope you enjoy looking at these bagged cats as much as I did finding them. Don't miss the other cute cats galleries.


How to Buy Pet Insurance for Your Cat

Pets are more than just animals that we feed and take care of. They are part of the family, are loved and given the best care that we can offer. From feeding them healthy food to grooming them, we smother them with tender loving care (TLC) because they deserve it even if they don’t always reciprocate.

We don’t mind because we love them just the same. Of course, cats are among the most favorite pets for many people. This is why cat health insurance is being offered to pet owners who want financial protection for themselves and top health care for their furry little family members.

Because there are so many pet health insurance policies to choose from, it can become pretty confusing when deciding which one to get.


Cat Pics: Cats Rolling With Delight

What flirts! But careful if you're tempted to touch those soft underbellies...your hands may not come away unscathed!

Rolling is one of those cute cat behaviours that cat owners love. In the sun, in the garden...rolling tells you that a cat is happy and secure, maybe ecstatic. Pure pleasure.


Cute Cat Photos: Cats in Gardens

Here is a collection of photos of cats in one of their favorite places. Cats just love gardens. There is so much to explore...sights, smells, insects, birds....and so much to feel - the sun, gentle breezes, soft soil and grass. Gardens provide so many cosy, quiet places for an uninterrupted nap or to sneak up on an unsuspecting butterfly.


Hiding Cats Funny Pictures

Don't all cats love getting into small, hidden spaces? More super-cute moments when you want the camera close by. These photographers clearly did, and took some wonderful shots. Where is your cat's favourite hidey-hole? My cat, Cooga, likes to sleep right under the blankets, totally covered. I don't know how he breathes! Our other baby, Coco prefers to lie hide in the wardrobe.

I hope you enjoy looking at these peeking cats as much as I did finding them. Don't miss the other cute cats galleries.


amazing cats pictures


Gifts for Cat Lovers

It’s fantastic how many great things you can buy these days that have a Cat theme to them. We Cat Lovers never had it so good. The best part is, with all the choices we have, there should be no trouble finding the best gift for the Cat Lover on your list this Christmas.


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